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June 20, 2024
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September 20, 2024

SiT supports use of the EU GreenComp for TCLF Sector Sustainability

SiT supports the use of the EU GreenComp as a reference framework for sustainability competences that will be adapted to the TCLF sector.

The European Sustainability Competence Framework, or GreenComp, is a policy action outlined in the European Green Deal, that aims to address the gaps in environmental education by identifying a set of Sustainability Competences that can be integrated into educational programs.  These competences are designed to help learners develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that promote sustainable thinking, planning, and action.

Sustainability as a competence: 12 building blocks

The framework defines sustainability as “a way to prioritise the needs of all life forms, ensuring that human activities do not exceed the limits of the planet’s resources”.

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