
WP2 - Training structure Analysis
M1-M9 / 02.24/11.24
The partnership is now cooperating in WP2
The main objectives of this WP include:
- Establishment of "knowledge triangles" in each involved country
This involves promoting research and capacity building in the TCLF sector to adapt skills provisions to evolving training needs and to favour the continuous skills update according to the labour market requirements for the green transformation of the TCLF sector.
Status: finalised - In total 147 signed Knowledge Triangle Agreements
- Analysis of skills gaps and training needs
This involves identifying the skills gaps and training needs for professionals working in the TCLF sector at national and European levels to move towards its green transformation.
Status: finalised - download attachment
12 organisations per partners will participate in the field research, responses will be collected through an interactive form and direct interviews.
- Mapping identified skills
This involves mapping the identified skills according to the EQF, NQF, and ESCO system in the TCLF sector.
Status: finalised
- Describing and mapping at least 2 emerging professions
This involves describing and mapping at least 2 emerging professions for the green transformation of the TCLF sector.
Status: finalised - download report
The partnership produced a report providing a comprehensive analysis of the skills gaps and training needs
facing professionals in the TCLF sector (Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear) at both
national and European levels, based on the international field survey conducted in eight
European countries (Germany, Italy, Spain, Estonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, and Slovakia).
- Definition of a new reference framework for Green skills
This involves defining a new reference framework for green skills in the TCLF sector.
Status: finalised - download attachment
According to the overall results of the surveys, and in line with the existing GreenComp framework, the SiT TCLF GreenComp Framework has been developed - Identification of SiT's training structure
This involves identifying the SiT's training structure that will be the input for the development of the 2 training curricula in WP3.
Status: finalised - download report
This report is the main outcome of WP2 and provides the basis for the development of training materials in WP3, while also serving as a general guideline for the entire project.
WP3 - Curricula and modules development
It will contribute to develop innovative and multidisciplinary curricula for HE and c-VET, based on learner centred methodology, real problem-based teaching and learning and mobility on the topic of green transformation of the TCLF sector.
The partnership is now cooperating in WP3
The main objectives of this WP include:
"Reply to the identified training needs for the green transformation of the TCLF sector"
Status: ongoing -
Development and upgrading of the training methodology
Status: not started yet -
Development and upgrading of the training modules and material
Status: not started yet -
Assessment of tools and microcredentials
Status: not started yet -
Evaluation and validation of the curricula with relevant stakeholders
Status: not started yet
WP4 - MOOC Development and Training Pilot
It aims to develop and deliver a modern MOOC to support students' and professionals' development in the TCLF sector in order to fill the gap with the labour market needs, upskilling and reskilling of workers/TCLF SMEs owners and staff to adapt their profiles/companies to the new requirements of the labour market related to green transition of the TCLF sector.
WP5 - Establishment of green TCLF business ecosystem
"It will contribute to support to potential TCLF (Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear) MSMEs entrepreneurs in the development of the business start-up process by providing them with guidance and resources to develop their business plans, acquire necessary skills and knowledge and access financing opportunities.
This support will help to facilitate the growth of the TCLF sector according to sustainability and circular economy principles and will create an ecosystem that can continue to support the growth of the TCLF sector."
The main objectives of this WP include:
- Promote the flow and co-creation of knowledge between higher education and VET, research, the public and the business sector to innovate business modelling and education and training
Status: ongoing - Promote the development of a support system for TCLF MSMEs and start-ups, in the form of an interactive platform
Status: not started yet
WP7 - Dissemination
M1-M36 / 02.24/01.27
Establishment of social media